After starting my own small business, and finally understanding how much effort goes into entrepreneurial work, I found that I wanted (needed) to collaborate with more people like myself. Creatives getting it done …sometimes all on their own from the ground up. No one to make their website or build their “following” on social media. All while trying to hone in on the skill they want to share with the world. There’s no going home and turning it off, y’all. You live and breathe your business 24/7.
This lady here embodies all that. She had a unique idea that has taken on a life of it’s own, mostly because we all yearn for a product that is made to last generations. – “they just don’t make things like they used to” – Well, folks. They actually do. Chain Stitching is an ancient craft that was almost lost with the times until people like Lacy brought it back to life. Additionally, she offers apprenticeship, so more can keep it going as years go by.
How lucky am I to have gotten a glimpse into her world full of color, well thought design, some hubby love and a spunky fur baby named Pearl! Even her home is carefully procured! Thanks for a great time, Lacy! I leave with a new found understanding of what it truly means to think outside of the box.